


This powerful and passionate book ignites the conscience of an era
Jean Houston, PhD

Marilyn is truly a visionary, opening the door to a new era of conscious aging with her graceful, courageous writing.

Joan Boryseno, PhD

Marilyn offers a wise, integrated holistic vision that will open your eyes to your beauty and infuse your heart with hope.

Rev. Dr. Lauren Artress


Poetry is a way to giving the soul voice. It speaks to many hearts other than the one that birthed it, and provides levels of inspiration at various times in the life journey. Iniitable words, unique meanings and metaphors reflected in all poetry can only be delivered through each poet's authentic life and by their soul's voice.

M Loy Every

Fire in the Well

Fire in the Well gives voice to those of us moving through the challenging markers of time.

The Reverend Dr. Lauren Artress

Marilyn calls us to fierce bodily knowing, fiery courage, and naked-heartedness. Reading her poems is a sensual feast, a nourishment for the soul.

Alexandra Kovats, CSJP, PhD

These beautiful poems move and inspire us as they evoke the many transitions of aging and offer promising visions of their transformation.

Kathleen Fischer, PhD, Feminist Theologian

Tending the Fire

Tending the Fire prompts deep musings relative to envisioning our precious lives well-lived, each poem truly a priceless gift!

Joan Borysenko, PhD

Marilyn stimulates the imagination with richly textured, vibrant, and beautiful metaphors and images inviting one to move beyond words to be open to the grand birthing of wisdom in the sageing years of our lives.

J. Melvin Bricker, DMin

...a bold voice and fearless insights for many who are hunry to behold aging from a spirited, life-giving stance.

The Reverend Dr Lauren Artress